Based on the recommendations, the Dell benefits administrators set a limit for the Dell stock fund of 20 percent of a total plan balance. 根据这些建议,戴尔公司员工福监管部门设定了戴尔股票基金在员工401(k)账户总余额中占据的份额最高不超过20%的限制。
This decade is a good time to take stock of the direction your career path is headed and to evaluate your work-life balance. 这时期也可以用来审视职业道路发展方向和评估生活-工作平衡。
Many companies have instead turned to the stock markets to raise cash and bolster their balance sheets. 很多公司转向股市筹集资金,优化资产负债状况。
Between stock price and retail price the much of balance, basically use pay wages of taxation, employee and chummage to wait. 进货价与零售价之间差额的大部分,主要用来支付税收、员工工资和房租等。
When the overall vibration of a stock or commodity is in balance, its price will maintain a constant rate of vibration ( i.e.prices will form a trend). 当股票或商品整体波动处于平衡状态时,其价格将保持恒定波动率(即价格形成趋势)。
For this reason, the Treasury Stock account should appear in the balance sheet as a deduction in the stockholders 'equity section. 因此,库藏股票账户应作为股东权益项目的减项,出现在资产负债表中。
It is part of the invested capital and it will be added to the capital stock in the balance sheet to show the total paid-in capital. 它只是投入资本的一部分,在资产负债表上,它将与股本相加以反映缴入资本总额。
Moreover, when stock prices fall, borrowers can usually get their loan-to-value ratios back into balance by selling some of the shares. 而且,当股价下跌时,借款者通常可以通过出售部分股票,使其贷款/价值比重归平衡。
Described is the determination of the renewal of the present number of cars with the calculation and prediction method of the "Rolling Stock Operation Financial Balance Table". 介绍了通过“车辆运营财务平衡表”的计算和预测方法确定车辆保有量的更新。
Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange please forward the circular to all members of securities registry balance and settlementmembers. 请上海证券交易所、深圳证券交易所将本通知转发给各证券登记结算会员。
Grow efficiency in inventory management in replenishment and stock balance. 提高货架补充和仓储平衡的库存管理效率。
Banks, the stock market and property could all feel the effects of these inflows through inflated balance sheets or prices. 银行、股票市场以及地产都可能受到此轮热钱流入影响,具体表现为资产负债表膨胀或者价格上涨。
Since the establishment of china property rights transaction market in 1980s, it has existed for more than ten years. In over 10 years Chinese stock market has held the balance in national economic and had more and more positive effects on economic growth. 我国的产权交易市场成立于20世纪80年代,至今已有十多年的历史。经过十多年的发展,中国股票市场已经在国民经济中具有举足轻重的地位,对经济增长的促进作用越来越明显。
Chapter 3 Analyzes interrelation between stock market and inflation, employment and international balance through positivism research. 第三章采用理论与实证研究相结合的方法,研究了通货膨胀、充分就业、国际收支均衡与股票市场之间的相互关系。
The stock right investment balance check method in accounting standard of our country exists some problems and understanding international normal doing method redounds to our check method following suit with international accounting. 我国会计准则关于股权投资差额核算方式存在一定问题,了解国际的通行做法,有助于中国对股权投资差额的核算与国际会计接轨。
The standard of whether or not the international reserve scale of a state is moderate is that the optimal international reserve stock and the ability of stabilizing exchange rate when balance of payments deficit appears. 一国国际储备规模合理与否,应当以最优国际储备存量和国际收支出现逆差时稳定汇率能力为标准。
This article explains the definition of investment costs from two aspects, stock and bond, at the same time the thesis illustrates the interest and stock dividend through long-term and short-term investment separately, and the calculation of balance of stock equity investment. 本文从股票投资和债券投资两方面对投资成本的确立加以论述,同时对应计利息或现金股利按短期投资和长期投资进行了分类说明,并阐述了股权投资差额的核算。
The stock market is not in balance; 股票市场上投资者质量差;
In China, in the past ten years, the stock market experiencing scratch, balance, fast, sound development, has obtained considerable development. 在中国,短短的十几年时间里,股市经历从无到有,到平衡、快速、健康发展的过程,走完了发达市场经济国家上百年的发展历程,取得了长足的发展。
During the transmission process, the efficiency of the stock market channel depends on three fundamental factors: the money market and the stock market are unified and developing in balance; 在股票市场对货币政策传导过程中,传导效率依赖于三个基本条件:货币市场与股票市场一体化程度及均衡发展;
The foundation of stock limited company erection is of "three rights to part and balance" theory, its power origination 、 institutional setting and operating mechanism and so on consistent with general theory of the state, and does not repel the function from internal balancing mechanism. 股份有限公司构建的基础是三权分立制衡理论,它的权力来源、机构设置、运行机制等与国家一般理论相契合,也不排除外部制衡机制对公司的作用。
When commercial banks get involved in stock market directly or indirectly, the fluctuation of stock price will affect their assets 'quality and consequently their balance sheet and stability. 商业银行直接或间接地参与股票市场,就会因股票价格的波动影响银行资产质量进而影响银行资产负债表和银行稳定。
The Stock Right Investment Balance Check Discrimination Analysis 股权投资差额核算辨析
In over 10 years Chinese stock market has held the balance in national economic and had more and more positive effects on economic growth. 经过十多年的发展,中国股票市场已经在国民经济中具有举足轻重的地位,对经济增长的促进作用越来越明显。
The paper detects investing psychology of Chinese shareholders based on a statistical analysis of stock exchange rate from Shanghai's stock market, which is made separately on bull market, balance market and bear market. 利用上海沪市在牛市、平稳及熊市三种状况下的股票历史数据,并通过多种统计方法,对中国股民的投资心理进行了实证分析。
The objective of this article is to eliminate workshop stock, reduce processing time and decrease stockpiling to reach a production balance. 目的在于消除车间库存,减少加工等待和产品积压,达到均衡生产。
With the sharp drop in the stock of natural resources and the severely damaged ecological balance, the living environment of human beings has also been a severe challenge. 随着生态平衡遭到严重的破坏以及自然资源存量的锐减,人类的生存环境也受到了严峻的挑战。
At present, our country has already built up a market value ranked third in the world of the stock market, a balance in the world of the fifth bond market. 目前,我国已建立起一个市值居世界第三位的股票市场,一个余额居世界第五位的债券市场。
The stock price have influences on the balance of payments through influencing interest rate and exchange rate. 股票价格通过影响利率和汇率来影响国际收支。
Different levels of the market corresponding to the different size of enterprises of different financing costs and risks, the stock market can be subdivision through the levels to maximize the supply and demand balance for capital. 不同层次的市场对应于不同规模企业的不同融资成本和风险,股票市场通过层次细分可以最大化的实现资本的供需平衡。